Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ,
According to the announcement of his eminence, for re-opening the Churches for the Holy Liturgy, and according to the federal and provincial governments guidelines, we are pleased to announce that St. Barsaumo Church is going to resume the service of the Holy Liturgy starting on Sunday, August 2nd, 2020, at 11:00 am.
There will be guidelines to be followed, which we are hoping that everyone will understand and co-operate with the board and the committee, for the benefit of all:
1- Following the guidelines provided by his eminence in the below link
2- Attending the Holy Liturgy will be only and strictly for those who registered either online "preferred" through the link provided on the top of this note, or by calling one of the following board members:
- Samer Al-Ballat: 4168271567
- Aziz Kouki: 4162004429
3- After completing your registration, a confirmation will be sent by email or by SMS.
4- Once we reach the maximum capacity for attendance, there will be a waiting list to be followed.
5- Number of attendance is very limited and it is based on first come first serve.
6- Everyone is required to bring his or her own mask, and wear it at all times inside the church.
7- Entrance and exit doors will be designated so please help the committee by following the signs.
8- At the entrance, the committee will confirm the registration, status of health and the temperature will be checked, and hands sanitizer will be provided.
The Board and the committee have the right to deny entry for not complying with the guidelines.
9- The committee/board will usher everyone to the designated seats.
10- For those who registered and cannot attend, please call one of the persons mentioned above to be replaced with someone else.
11- After the Holy Liturgy, the board and the committee will lead you to the exit door, and there will NOT be any gatherings allowed in any of the Church halls.
12- We remind the ladies to bring their own head covers, as the Church will NOT provide any.
Note: The live broadcast online on the social media pages will remain for those who cannot attend
We thank you for your kind, well understanding and cooperation to follow the guidelines, for the benefit of all.
Kindly accept our greeting and appreciation
St. Barsaumo Church.
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